Posts tagged alphabet
Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all!!! And I hope you had a blessed Christmas.

The new year is almost here…super excited on what is in store for We will start the year with a daily free letter/number from the alphabet FIESTA. I will post on my Facebook page the letter/number of the day. NOTE: The numbers will be sprinkled in so some days there will be both a letter and a number that will be available to download for FREE. Each letter /number will be free for 2 days so you have plenty of time to download your free design. To help a little with the cost of the free set, I ask that you purchase the vowels which will include a question and an exclamation mark. The normal price if purchased separately would be $1.99 each, but for this promotion, this set will be only $1.99…that’s all…$1.99 for all 5 letters, question and exclamation mark. But really, when you do the math…you are getting 26 letters, 10 numbers, question and exclamation marks in 2 sizes 2” and 1” for $1.99. That makes each design less than 3¢ each! What an extremely good deal!

This will start on January 4th. The numbers will be given away sporadically so there will be some days that both a letter and a number will be available so make sure you check daily.

Below are digital examples of what can be done with the letters…

I hope you enjoy the free set of designs and come often to download them all.

 And don’t forget, Blue Bunny Hollow Holiday Set is still available at Quality Sewing’s website Over $100 worth of designs, Christmas and designs that you can use throughout the year for $24. Another great deal from! These designs will be available on my website, but not as a set, and not for this price. It is only available at Quality Sewing’s website for this great price. So, don’t delay…it won’t be there much longer!

Enjoy your sewing adventures!

Lana, Head Fluffle

Jordyn, Fluffle Administrator, and the one that is the brains of the website

Fluffles (wild bunnies), usually causing trouble


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Holly alphabet and numbers

I am so excited to get this holiday season rolling. I have just posted some new Christmas designs and more are in the works. But, the best thing is the FREE stuff!

Starting on November 23rd and ending on December 15th, you will be able to download letters and numbers from Holly Alphabet and Holly Numbers set. Each day I will post 2 designs, either numbers or letters, your gift just for stopping by Each pair of letters and numbers will be available for 3 days so you have plenty of time to download the free gifts.

That’s is a great deal…26 letters and 10 numbers for FREE!! They will be in the FREE section labeled “On the Hollow”.

November 23-25 will be A and B, November 24-26 will be C and D, November 25-27 will be E and F…etc.

Thank you for joining me today! Browse around the hollow for some cool designs and products.

Enjoy your sewing adventures!!


Fluffles Administrator

Merry Christmas!